Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Citizens Agenda To Make It Better For Hudson

I stand with the people of Hudson and propose a Citizens Agenda.

It is time to put people first and demand that corporate interests either contribute to the well being of the city, or find somewhere else to do business. Hudson is not for sale. We can have a government which will work for the people. 

I have laid out an agenda which can start to serve as a blueprint, if the people of Hudson see fit to elect me. Many of these items are not controversial at all. Others are more complicated and will take some time, and some serious aligning of the stars to bring to fruition. We have to start planning more and stop wasting time reacting to every scheme that is put forward. The agenda I have put forward is far from complete. But I am confident that it contains quite a number of items that would be acceptable to the different constituencies which make up our city and the Common Council and would make a big difference in the quality of life of all of our citizens.

I don't pretend to know everything, and the work before us should be a group effort. We need to decide our future, and we need to do that with more, not less, citizen input. If you have ideas on how to strengthen anything I have put forward, please let me know. If you have ideas about issues that I haven't yet addressed, please put them forward as well. Proposals are made better by having the widest participation possible. Each voice should be valued and appreciated. That is truly what community is about.

So in the weeks and months leading up to the elections, let's start the dialogue now, on the changes we would like to see. Let's start working together as if we had already won. 

Together, lets make it Better for Hudson.


PS: Want to talk about it? Get in touch.

Read and contribute to the Citizens Agenda here.